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Sample 6 - Part 1
2 Pages - AI engineering

Artificial Intelligence


Expressing “artificial intelligence” is the product of an academic conference organized by John McCarthy at Dartmouth College in 1957, considered one of the two pioneers in our studies and defines AI as a science and engineering for making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. 

AI is part of computing focused on the development of intelligent computer systems, which have characteristics associated with intelligence and not with human behavior, such as language understanding, learning, reasoning, problem solving.

Marvin Minsky, one of the two AI exhibitors, says it is only a matter of time for the machines as they will not only achieve more human capabilities, but the same overtaking. For Minsky, “brains are computers made of meat” AI is science and technology for building intelligent machines, especially computer programs.

It is related to the use of computers to understand the exploitation of human intelligence, and is therefore not limited to biologically observable methods. Searle, who are the two great critics of this AI model, argues that when a computer performs a task that is also performed by a human being, it is performed in a totally different way, to which it has no awareness and understanding of the execution . In addition to understanding, AI seeks to build intelligent entities.

As a goal of AI, during or during its development, it has always been an algorithm that learns, easily, with superhuman ability in challenging environments. 

Throughout its evolution, man acquired a series of extensions. With the development of thumb opposition he was able to hold a club and increase the size of his arm or throw stones to defend himself against attackers. With the use of radio waves he was able to reach distant populations and with the microscope see very small dimensions, like bacteria. 

If the telephone allowed conversation between people residing in any part of the planet, expanding the ability to listen, television allowed us to see distant events and at the time they occur, increasing the ability to see. The arrival of the computer brought with it a huge expansion of the human dimension, increasing its ability to calculate and store large volumes of information, and this in nanoseconds. It extended its memory and the time of retrieval of information. The “here and now” became the motto of today’s world, characterizing a society in rapid and constant change.

The creation of networks that interconnect computers, allowing rapid communication between people, has somehow fragmented and segmented society into similar interest groups.

We speak more on smartphones than in person. The continuous offer of streaming videos and audios reinforces this process of individualization and isolation. Perhaps this explains why depression is one of today’s leading medical problems.

At the same time, there has been a breakthrough in imaging-oriented medical technologies: the echocardiogram, which some think, will make the stethoscope, ultrasound, which will replace, they say, palpation and percussion of the abdomen , obsolete. Resonance imaging, which replaces contrasted radiology examinations, and PET (positron emission tomography) that allows verification of the areas involved in various brain activities, replaced the clinical examination of patients and the doctor-patient relationship. Today, the diagnosis is made by examination and not by clinical reasoning and judgment. Why evaluate chest expansion, auscultate, feel for the thoracovocal thrill, or perform percussion to diagnose pneumonitis, if a simple chest x-ray can make the diagnosis?

In this way, it is intended to carry out a bibliographic study related to the application of artificial intelligence with medicine.


  • Problem Statement

Technological advances based on systems and information processing have led to important changes in the approach to health issues, including aspects of health administration, diagnosis, the ability to predict, precision in clinical and clinical approaches. research, which is summarized in the concept of artificial intelligence, which has been defined as a “study of computing that observes that a machine is capable of perceiving, reasoning and acting” and according to authors refer that an Intelligent machine is “the one that performs the process of analyzing, organizing, and converting data into knowledge ”The question is whether these advances improve human capacity to strengthen the practice of medicine and, in general, all aspects involved in people’s health, or by On the contrary, they tend to replace the human being in activities of an intellectual nature that today can be carried out with greater precision and reliability by systematic data management ace that draws on information from millions of sources, coming from man and machine. The problem addressed in this work is the need to know the scope of Artificial Intelligence in health, and generate reflections and discussions about how this science is significantly impacting its exercise, as well as evaluating how these technologies are being used in the context of health.


  • Justification

This work seeks to deepen and analyze the role of Artificial Intelligence in health, providing professionals with perspectives so that they can incorporate and understand that this is a trend throughout the world that can become a valuable tool for the efficiency and permanent improvement of services and professional practice in Health, and should not be considered as an enemy of practicing professionals. Likewise, the work aims to capture practical reflections on the tools that are currently used in this context for knowledge of the sector that will be of mandatory use by Health Services Managers, who will find in them an important differentiating factor in the exercise of the Management.


This work reflects an exhaustive investigation that shows the use of Artificial Intelligence in the context of Health, providing a contribution to practicing professionals and managers and administrators of the sector in the knowledge of these tools that constitute an irreversible world trend that opens new perspectives in health organizations and institutions.

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